When it comes to making major purchases, financing can be an attractive option. The surface benefits are clear. It can help you out if you don’t have the lump sum necessary to cover an expense. Financing also allows you to maintain your savings while making affordable payments. Mostly we think of our mortgage or our car when it comes to financing, but this same option is available for purchases as well, specifically foundation repair.
Depending on the severity of the foundation damage, foundation repair costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The flexibility that a variety of foundation options offers can be quite helpful to homeowners.
Current interest rates make financing a very attractive option. Financing also offers the opportunity to make additional home improvements. Is it time to redo your patio? Or maybe an extension, sidewalk or any other concrete additions? You can roll the cost of these services into your financing.
There are also deferred interest options. Currently (January 2016) qualified borrowers can receive 18 months interest free financing. Another alternative is to opt for a 3 or 5 year term loan. This will make your monthly payments smaller and the interest rates are very competitive.
WCK Foundation Repair is proud to offer a number of financing options. The process is simple. There is only one application to submit and you can choose between making payments on line or have your payment auto debited from your account. For over 30 years WCK Foundation Repair has been helping homeowners repair and restore their home’s safety and value. Now they are helping to make it easier to pay for these repairs.