The longer you sit on a broken or cracked foundation, the more problems can arise. But these can be hard to spot if you’re not sure what to look for. So hear the truth from the professionals at WCK Foundation Repair! We know the big foundation damage signs and want you to know what to look for. Let’s stop a molehill from becoming a mountain.
The Most Obvious Foundation Damage Signs
Foundation damage signs often avoid our notice and slip through the cracks—literally. However, there are a few things to look for that can tip you off to a much bigger problem underground.
- Issues With Landscaping. Dips, mounds, and holes cause many issues. Uneven earth causes uneven soil underneath. This uneven soil can cause foundation shifts so severe your floor can move.
- Foundation Cracks. Shifting soil can have many causes. But they often show in foundation cracks. The larger the crack, the more serious the issue.
- Problems With Drainage. This can present in a multitude of ways. Stuffed gutters for example. If your gutters are clogged, the rain will clog and get stuck on your roof. On another hand, uneven ground causes large amounts of water to stand still, affecting the earth.
- Sinking. Whether it be one side or every side, a sinking house is a big problem. The dirt is shifting and isn’t solid enough to properly hold a house in place. This needs reparation before the problem gets worse.
All in all, these are the major issues that are found in our area. If you see any of these or suspect damage, call the professionals at WCK!
What To Be Most Careful Of
The main thing to watch out for in Louisiana is something that’s part of daily life: water. We never see the end of it here—lakes, gulfs, and ponds surround us and it falls from the sky in torrents. This much water, especially when still, can create problems with our ground over time.
The soil in Louisiana is some of the most diverse in the nation with more than 300 types in the state. In Baton Rouge, homes sit on expansive, clay-laden soil. This expands when wet and shrinks when it’s dry. Unsurprisingly, constant movement like this can cause real problems to your foundation if your drainage isn’t working properly.
To this end, there are a few ways to rid your yard of excess water. The first is to simply divert it using gutters, french drains, or other strategies. Another option is changing the topography of your yard. Spots that lay lower than others collect standing water that sinks into the soil below. Building swales or adding exceptionally thirsty plants in these locations can alleviate the problem.
Your yard doesn’t need to be dry to begin fixing the problem. In fact, the faster it gets handled, the less damage will be done. And especially with how floods have gone in the past few months, it’s something to be dealt with now.
See Foundation Damage Signs? Call Today!
Keeping an eye for these foundation damage signs can help you prevent issues in the future. So if you have any questions we haven’t answered yet, please feel free to contact us here or consult our FAQ page. Think you might be a victim of foundation damage? Schedule a free estimate with us. We’re happy to help. Let’s make sure your home is safe and sound and above the ground.