South Louisiana has seen several soggy weekends over the summer, and this may continue into the winter. Before the really chilly temperatures settle in, it’s important to understand how rain and other water sources impact your foundation and your need for Kentwood foundation repair.
Soil moisture increase is a serious contributor to many foundation problems. Of course, with south Louisiana’s wet climate, it’s crucial for the health of your home to understand why it causes issues and how to prevent them. In fact, over 70% of all slab foundation repairs are caused by upheaval due to water accumulation underneath the slab. When it comes to upheaval, there are two main causes: rainfall and domestic sources. Discover more about upheaval with your Kentwood foundation repair specialists.
Rainfall and Your Foundation
As stated above, rainfall and other precipitation can be a major factor when it comes to the safety of your home’s foundation. However, this risk can be largely mitigated by having good drainage around your home. This means your home should be equipped with strong, clean gutters, downspouts, and a drainage plan that channels water away from your home. Depending on the type of home foundation and landscaping you have, you might have many options for your drainage solutions—or, this may limit them. Talking to one of our Kentwood foundation repair specialists can help you find your choices.
Domestic Water Sources
These can be more serious culprits when it comes to foundation problems. Often, domestic water sources that are causing foundation problems go unnoticed. But what are domestic water sources? These are any water sources for human use or consumption. Examples of damage from domestic water sources can include excessive use of sprinklers, overwatering your lawn, and pipe leaks. Leaks are typically responsible for the most domestic water-related damages. The existence of a leak is often verified as a result of foundation damage—meaning that no leak was considered until the foundation actually needed to be repaired and it was discovered.
It’s estimated that over 70% of all slab foundation repairs are caused by upheaval. When soil becomes oversaturated, it can swell and shrink under the slab foundation, leading to instability and uneven support. In the Kentwood, Louisiana area, homes are built upon expansive, clay-laden soil much like Baton Rouge, Hammond, and Covington. As it becomes saturated, it expands, and the soil adjacent to the foundation creates a tremendous amount of pressure. This pressure can cause cracking and other serious damage to the concrete foundation. This is why drainage control can be an important factor in preventing upheaval and protecting your foundation from damage.
For Your Home in Kentwood, Trust Our Foundation Repair Company
If you believe you have foundation problems, it is important to entrust your home to a local, expert foundation repair company. For over 30 years, WCK Foundation Repair has been helping home and business owners with their drainage and foundation issues. WCK uses the only proven foundation repair method for our unique soil conditions: the drilled pier method. And, we stand behind our work with a fully transferrable lifetime warranty. Learn more about the signs of foundation damage and contact our team when you need a Kentwood foundation repair specialist.